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Become a member of EurECCA


Find your national union

Become a member of EurECCA


The European Cabin Crew Association EurECCA is an European organisation based in Belgium at the heart of Europe. It is made up of cabin crew unions from European Union Member States as well as accession states and bordering states.

EurECCA has no political connections; it concentrates on the interest of flight attendants speaking for actual more than 70% of organized cabin crew all over Europe.

EurECCA promotes and fights for the well- developed European social model to improve general living and working conditions for its members in the European framework.

EurECCA is rooted in the airline industry, not politically aligned, independent with experts on cabin crew matters sharing the vision of a democratic, solidary and prosperous Europe, to work together on these matters on the European level.

EurECCA represents more than 35.000 cabin crew affiliated to 9 European Cabin Crew unions in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland and Ireland. As we represent 70% of all organised cabin crew in Europe, we are a representative stakeholder at all tables that concern cabin and passenger safety, cabin crew health and safety as well as cabin crew working time limitations and social aspects.

EurECCA is legally based in Belgium with an office in Brussels.

Become a member with your national Cabin Crew Union afiliated in EurECCA and through your memebr union you automaticaly become a member of EurECCA like many of your colleagues at Ryanair and thousands of cabin crew in almost all other European airlines.

Together with your national Cabin Crew union you will:

  • elect a bargaining commission and enter into negotiations with the Ryanair manage ment;
  • prepare a collective agreement, so that you can establish a staff representation within the company that can take part in the discussions about working schedules and other conditions and represent you in front of the management;
  • enter into collective negotiations with the management of Ryanair to reliably regulate your holidays, working times, pension scheme, protection against dismissal and other working conditions;
  • Learn how to organize;
  • Conclude collective labor agreements;
  • Enjoy free legal advice;
  • Create your future workplace;
  • Communicate with other colleagues;
  • Enforce contracts of employment of indefinite duration;
  • Create clear and transparent rules;
  • Fight for adequate wage for your work;
  • Safeguarded in cases of sickness;
  • Co-determine your conditions together with other cabin colleagues.

We at EurECCA support our national member unions to strengthen the staff at Ryanair.

Actually you support and secure your company as only with satisfied employees we can fly safe and sound!

Unions are a vital part of the European social model so unions doesn‘t harm but helps the company!

Many other carriers with similar business models also have collective agreements and can in spite of that or for exactly that reason continue to fly with their business model.

In case you worry about your membership: Ryanair will never find out that you are a member with your national Cabin Crew union and with EurECCA.

The working conditions aboard an aircraft are hardly comparable to those of other professional groups. Your national Cabin Crew union was formed to indicate the individual problems and particularly advocate for the interests of our profession.

Colleagues of other European airlines refer to EurECCA as “The Cabin‘s Voice”.

As only union specialized in the interests of cabin crew can focus as an highest priority to improve and defend our working and remuneration conditions as well as a protection against dismissal and remuneration structure.

In Europe, Cabin Crew unions have a long tradition and a recognized status. They constitute the strength of the European economy. Only in places where Cabin Crew unions can shape their future, prosperity of Cabin Crew can be secured in the long term. Unions help productively to create the company and its working conditions. You‘ll find EurECCA members in all almost all airlines in Europe.



National Cabin Crew Unions members of EurECCA:


If you have any questions feel free to contact your national Cabin Crew union or us directly via our webpage.


EurECCA represents, protects and develops the rights and needs of cabin crew all over Europe

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