zum Thema „Sexuelle Belästigung“
zum Thema „Sexuelle Belästigung“

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
die European Cabin Crew Association (EurECCA) hat eine Umfrage zum Thema „Sexuelle Belästigung“ erstellt.
Nachfolgend findet Ihr weitere Einzelheiten von EurECCA zur Umfrage (in Englisch).
Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn viele von Euch sich ein paar Minuten für die Teilnahme Zeit nehmen, damit ein möglichst repräsentatives Ergebnis erreicht werden kann.
Viele Grüße
Eure UFO
Poll of cabin crew in Europe on sexual harassment
EurECCA, your voice in Europe, is currently researching the problem of sexual harassment within the airline industry, from both passengers and colleagues. We are hoping to gain insights on the scale of the issue and how the problem could be addressed, so we invite all European cabin crew to have their say, voice their concerns and to share experiences.
We encourage everyone to complete this short survey, whether or not you have experienced any degree of sexual harassment*. All responses are anonymous; however if you wish to share your experiences you will have the opportunity to do so – and this can be “on” or “off the record”; the choice is yours.
The data you enter is completely anonymous unless you decide to provide contact details (we only ask for contact details if you have indicated that you would be prepared to speak about your problems with sexual (either officially or anonymously).
If you provide contact details EurECCA guarantees that it does not transfer or sell your personal data to third parties.
Storage period: EurECCA stores personal data for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose of the survey; after this it will be deleted.
We plan to communicate the results of the survey (anonymously) on EurECCA's communications channels and to raise awareness of the problem with the media, with the objective of minimising the risk of sexual harassment.
*Important note: for the purpose of this survey we are defining sexual harassment as the following:
Sexual harassment is unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature which:
• violates your dignity
• makes you feel intimidated, degraded or humiliated
• creates a hostile or offensive environment
You don't need to have previously objected to someone's behaviour for it to be considered unwanted.
To complete the survey please click here: