UFO - Unabhängige Flugbegleiter Organisation
UFO - Unabhängige Flugbegleiter Organisation

Ryanair threatening

employees and unions!


Ryanair threatening

employees and unions!


Dear Ryanair colleagues, 
we are shocked about the recent news regarding the closures of BRE & EIN and the reduction of programme in NRN. It is more than concerning that Ryanair reacts in such a radical way after you started arguing for your rights. 
Company Culture: Menace 
You sharing your experiences at Ryanair with us proved what we assumed (unfortunately) for a long time: they have always used threats as their method of dealing with you, their employees.  
Your motivation is being questioned on the basis of your performance such as sales on board or your sickness quotas. If you don’t function as expected you are likely to be called to staff appraisals, in some cases even to Dublin. This handling promoted a culture of menace. Consequently a lot of you were afraid – which is fully comprehensible!  
But how shall such a working environment be beneficial for the company and therefore for their employees? You decided to counteract and stand up for your rights, organized in unions and we thought all of us were well on track after the multiple meetings with the Ryanair management.  
Public threats 
Before the industrial disputes started, Ryanair already expressed that participating in such might lead to negative consequences - they showed publicly how their way of communication is towards you.   
It is not professional regarding your labour rights. A bullying tone is not acceptable.  
The culmination of all the recent events are the news about the closures of BRE & EIN and reductions in NRN. The only way those can be read is exactly showing the strategy of Ryanair – they are threatening you with relocations, unpaid leave or job loss.  
This has to stop!  
Tomorrow we will be at NRN together with VC to have an emergency meeting. We hope to see and talk to many of you in this stressful time.  
Your UFO  

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